Burnbrae Farms

At Burnbrae Farms, we’re proud to play our part in producing nutritious, affordable eggs for Canadians while protecting our natural environment.
— Margaret Hudson

Burnbrae Farms is a fifth generation Canadian family-owned and operated company that has been producing eggs for over 70 years. It continues to be one of Canada’s leading egg farmers, with farms, grading stations and processing operations across the country. Margaret Hudson and Burnbrae Farms strive to be an industry leader in the promotion of healthy living, progressive animal care, community and environmental sustainability.

In spring 2020, Swim Drink Fish launched a multi-year partnership with Margaret Hudson and Burnbrae Farms. 

Look for the Swim Drink Fish logos on Burnbrae brand eggs in grocery stores across Canada. They signify Burnbrae’s philosophical and financial commitment to protecting swimmable, drinkable, fishable water for all. 

To learn more about Burnbrae Farms, visit www.burnbraefarms.com




Clif Family Foundation