Checking In: @waterkeepermark on Swim Drink Fish Ambassador Kevin Lowe

Since retiring from the National Hockey League, Kevin Lowe is a Swim Drink Fish Ambassador, Board Member, and champion for swimmable, drinkable, fishable water.

From his time in the NHL, he is a six-time Stanley Cup winner and five-time NHL all star. On June 24, 2020, Kevin Lowe was inducted into the Hockey Hall of Fame. Here is Mark Mattson, Lake Ontario Waterkeeper, reflecting on the momentous occasion.

It is hard to hold in the emotion I feel for Kevin Lowe being elected into the Hockey Hall of Fame. Never was there a more deserving person.

I first met Kevin in 2005 when the NHL was on strike and he had time to accompany his wife, the great Karen Percy Lowe, two-time 1988 Olympic medalist, to Banff. We were there together supporting the Canadian Waterkeeper movement. 

In awe of sitting beside Kevin, I talked about my roots with the Kitchener Rangers and it seemed to work. We became great friends and Kevin and Karen soon became great supporters of swimmable, drinkable, fishable water.

Kevin and Karen, together with fellow Edmontonian Britt Standen, started the North Saskatchewan Riverkeeper in their home town of Edmonton and later became ambassadors to Swim Drink Fish. Kevin also joined the national Board of Directors for Swim Drink Fish and has volunteered his time and experience to our cause. 

From the time I met Kevin, I knew he was different from anybody I had ever met before. He has a way of making you feel comfortable and welcome. Regardless of how far out of your element you are.  On my many visits to Edmonton over the years, Kevin and Karen have welcomed me into their home and their family. I know I am not the only one they have let crash at their house in Edmonton or at the lake in Shuswap. Julia Doiron, Dave Bidini, Krystyn Tully from Swim Drink Fish, and Lauren Brown Hornor from Fraser Riverkeeper are but a few they have also welcomed from our organization along the way. 

Kevin’s generosity knows no bounds. He is of course best known for all of his tremendous accomplishments in the NHL. But his commitment to his family and community, including Swim Drink Fish, are for me what makes him even greater. He has done great things in the spotlight of course, but he has also done great things quietly away from the spotlight too. From taking the time to visit my 86 year old mother when he was on a scouting trip to Kitchener to not just say hello but to actually sit down at her old kitchen table to chat like old friends, to donating sweaters for our fundraising efforts, to hosting concerts with Gord Downie at Kevin and Karen’s home, to making sure there is room in the family box at hockey games for our organization over the years, and for always being there for us when we have asked or needed him. 

Amazingly, I have had a chance to meet Kevin’s incredible teammates from time to time. Hockey legends and under-appreciated journeymen alike. Also, the amazing men and women at Hockey Canada. It has strengthened me to know how close they have all remained. And I know Kevin and Karen and the bonds they have held together are a big part of that. 

Kevin’s Hall of Fame induction means a lot to Swim Drink Fish. We know what a powerful and electric leader and teammate he can be. We are so proud of you Kevin. Congratulations. It has been a long time coming. 

Read more from the Checking In with @waterkeepermark series here.


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